Monday, October 09, 2006

Chocolate Rum Buttercream - Need I Say More?

Photo: Frosted Cupcakes

Sometimes a girl's gotta have her chocolate. I don't know why, and I don't understand why it's women and not men who have these cravings. Or are there men out there who enjoy a truffle every now and then? Guys? A little insight? Brycey baby?

To sate my chocolate desires, I decided to make yellow cupcakes with chocolate frosting. The cake itself, though fluffy and yummy, in this case is just a cleaner and more civil way of delivering the chocolate into my mouth (although licking chocolate from the palm of the hand is much naughtier).

To make matters worse, I grated some 70% cacao chocolate (Valrhona of course) using my Microplane over some of the cupcakes. Although providing a more complex texture to the cupcake, I preferred those without the extra shavings, as they interfered with the sexy silkiness of the buttercream. The combination of rum and chocolate makes it extra shiny like my hiny.

Wish you could have a bite (of my cupcakes, not my hiny you perverts)!

PS In a taste test, I must admit that Butter Golden Recipes from Betty Crocker and Duncan Hines provide a fluffy, light yet very flavorful cake, and it takes a quarter of the time. So if you're lazy and uncultured, make it from the box. No one will ever know, except for snobby foodies.


Anonymous said...

I love chocolate. The bitter and darker the better. (Try saying that five time fast!)

My mother made carrot cake the other day and i fondly remembered the topping you made for your carrot cake on Thabo's birthday.

ps) my birthday was a success. Although, I drank too much. Richard was the designated photographer. As soon as i have the pics, I will blog them. Meanwhile you can check out the pics from my camera assisting shoot. (Taken with my hand new sony ericsson phone...)

FoodSnob said...

So you like your chocolate the way you like your men? That's great. Cream cheese, butter, a touch of sourcream, vanilla extract and powdered sugar (all softened but still cool)--can't go wrong.

Can't wait to see the pics from your birthday. Your phone pics look fantastic!